stress management

stress management

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Steady and Conscientious

In management class, the professor made us take a leadership/management diagnostic test, which would more or less tell us what kind of leader or manager we are, or will be. After the "test," everyone had to interpret their answers, and decide which of the 4 categories they fell into. The categories are: dominance, influence, conscientiousness, and steadiness (DiSC). I was mostly steady, with conscientious in 2nd place; therefore, I am Sc. According to the sheet that was given to us, for steadiness, "Emphasis is on cooperating with others to carry out the task," and for conscientiousness, "Emphasis is on working conscientiously within existing circumstances to ensure quality and accuracy." I think that, for me, this test was partially accurate and partially inaccurate. I do like it when people are cooperating and getting things done, and I am very patient, helpful, and overall stable. I like things done the way they should be, but I feel that that only applies when I have a set of instructions and a deadline. I think being very steady is kind of boring. I don't think of myself as boring, predictable, and non-creative, but more toward the opposite. It's true that I'm not very outspoken and bold, but I am when I have to be. For instance, in group projects in school, I usually always take charge, try to make our presentations visually creative, and manage problems, whether it be with the group members or the project itself. I like motivating people when they need it (like if a friend is upset), and I'm generally a very happy and positive person. I would like to think of me as more of an Is (influence and steadiness) because I love an enthusiastic and fun environment, and I like getting things done. I think this test is a good way to determine people's management "types" because it makes you pick from a variety of characteristics, and then matches you to the "type" that best suits you. I can see these tests being used for marketing purposes, like determining how a person's personality affects what sort of products they buy. As now a marketing major, I think of these things. For now I am on the fence about my results, but I think that in the future, I can make myself become exactly how I want to be.


  1. Hey Varsha! As you know, I am also a S according to the profile system. I think that the reason why it doesn't seem entirely accurate is because this system is focused on the platform of us working in groups with other people. It does not focus on how we act or the characteristics we show during that free time. I think every person acts a different way according to the situation and this test profiles us based on our actions in a group.

  2. I agree with Prinita in the sense that this profile system captured the sense of our ways among others rather than how we are on our own terms. For me, being classified as a Cs, the results were half-and-half, as were yours, partially accurate and partially inaccurate. I never really took a second to think about how I am at work or school but the test accurately pointed me out as being very conscientious, picky about the smallest possible things, which is actually exactly how I am whether I'm working by myself or with a group, but aside from that, it also went completely off track in a few of its characteristics.

  3. It I strange but I don’t see any “I’s” from the blogs I have read. I didn’t take the actual test in class because I was sick that day, bit I chose the personality type by myself. Probably it would have been the different letter for me if I took the test in the class. But, oh well.
