stress management

stress management

Monday, November 1, 2010

I Have a Vision

Many times when I lay down on my bed to think, or when I day dream during classes, I have visions of my future. It's a future of which I'm partially certain and partially uncertain of, but hope that the uncertainty will only give me motivation to take action to ensure certainty. I have a total of 4 goals (as of now) that I wish to achieve after I graduate from Baruch. The 1st is to get a job in an entertainment/media related business, whether it be a talent agency, a record label, an advertising company, a theater, etc. To make this a reality, I plan to do plenty of research on this industry, and join clubs and organizations at Baruch so I could network and maybe develop a few connections. My 2nd goal is to get into a good graduate school so I can get my MBA. To achieve this, I'll have to make sure that I get good grades and have a high GPA as an undergraduate at Baruch. This means I'll have to be serious about projects and exams in my classes, and study everyday. I'll also have to have some work experience, hence my 1st goal. My 3rd goal is to get as much experience performing as possible. Singing is my one true passion, and acting has been my new interest for a while now, which is why I'd love to share them with other people. I plan to put my resume out there through talent websites, or send them to certain agencies. I also plan to audition for plays and concerts in school, or for other opportunities I'm able to find out there. My 4th goal is to write and compose a song. When it comes to writing lyrics or making music, I know very little; all I know is that I love to sing and I love to listen to music whenever I can. I'm currently teaching myself to play guitar, and I think that in order to improve any further, I need to start taking actual lessons from a professional. Through this, I hope to learn more about music theory, and become more familiar with different notes and chords. Who knows, maybe someday my song will be heard by more than just a few, and will be the cause of many more songs to come. My goals may or may not be listed in order, but one thing's for sure, I won't just sit around waiting for them to happen.


  1. It seems as if you know exactly what you want in life. Most people who are majoring in a business related field hope to work for these huge companies but you want to go into a more creative aspect of business doing something you love such as music or acting. I think that's the most important thing, happiness and you will find it doing something you truly love. Put yourself and your music out there as much as possible, the sky's the limit. Good luck!!

  2. ^ I agree! But may I ask, why did you decide to come to Baruch instead of another college where its known for music and arts? Regardless, I'd love to see not only you sing, and act but to sing one of your lyrics and act in a music video.. haha! :)

  3. I think that it is quite rare to find someone who is so driven and has such a clear picture of what they want for their future and to also be invested in the performing arts as well. I think that with your specific goals and passion you will be able to reach any goal you set. Good luck to you!

  4. I didn't know you also love to act. I think that you're well on your way in making it in the entertainment industry with your passion for singing and acting. The acts of teaching yourself guitar and also composing adds also places you into the entertainment industry. I'm absolutely positive that you will succeed in these goals you are pursuing.

  5. You have such clear, well thought out goals (unlike me!). I think you should pursue goal #3, which was to gain more experience performing. It is obvious that you are passionate and serious about this goal. Who knows, maybe you'll be performing somewhere and be discovered! And of course learning about the industry can help protect you from being taken advantage of and falling victim to the dark sides of such a competitive industry.

  6. Wow, you have a good planning of your goals. You’re planning of your life step by step. And you have a lot things want to do it. I hope your dream come true. And have a good GPA to graduate of your major. Make your entire dream come true. I hope you do it, Good Luck!!!!!
