stress management

stress management

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Blog Blog Blog

When Professor Kurpis said, in the beginning of the semester, that everyone had to have a blog for this management class, I did not like the idea at all. I knew that meant that we would have a lot of writing assignments throughout the semester, and I would have more work to worry about. Plus, I don't exactly enjoy writing about things I learn in school. After I wrote my 1st blog entry (about culture), I realized it wasn't so bad. I actually kind of enjoyed it, but I figured the entries would get tougher. As I kept on blogging, I was able to express myself in different ways through the topics that were assigned to us. Even though I did kind of like it, I was hoping he wouldn't give us so many to do. But every time I start writing a new post, I really get into it, and it's never so bad. I think the fact that we have to comment on other peoples blogs is a good idea. It gives us a chance to get to know the personalities and ideas of our classmates.We can compare the views of different people and gain various perspectives. It also gives us a chance to make new friends. Every time we do a class activity, we usually get assigned another blog topic, relating to that activity and how it relates to a certain topic of management we learned, or will learn. Blogging about things like that really lets someone give their point of view and understanding of the subject matter. I think that a lot can be learned from the professor's blog as well. He's had more than enough experience in the management world, and it would be smart to get as much knowledge from him as possible. This blog allowed the students to control 20% of our grade, which is an easy 20% to obtain. All we have to do is write about our ideas; there are no right or wrong answers. I'm not sure if I'll continue blogging after I'm done with this management class, but I think the blog should remain a component in this class because it allows the students to be creative and speak freely. It's a good way to express oneself in any way possible, and it could serve as a decent stress reliever.


  1. I also think it's a great way for students to express their view points about the extra credit classes but I was under the assumption that we were suppose to incorporate ideas or at they very least, verbiage from the text/slides. For instance this blog can be easily incorporated with chapter 12 [communication]. I found that very few people did this. To account for my biased opinion of the class, I always ended up commenting and reading the blogs that were completed earliest (to get the commenting thing out of the way, because the way I see it, if I'm not ahead, I'm already behind). The same people ended up doing their blog entries first so I always ended up commenting on the same people's blogs, and I really didn't get a chance to read everyone's. Therefore my previous comment is pertaining to and only to those blogs that I have been reading consistently.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. found you have a lots of good things to say / share in your blog. I periodically visit your blog and based on your blog I can tell you are a very happy and positive person. Without it I will never know who you are and what kind of personalities you have.

  4. I also wasn't looking forward to the blog assignments at the beginning of the class, but like you said, after you started writing you would really get into it. Suddenly, the blog didn't seem as hard or as annoying as it did the first day when the professor announced it. But, then again, nothing really is liked the first day it is introduced. Everything takes a while to sink in and become a routine. Weeks later, we can't separate ourselves from doing it. I think even if everyone might not continue their blogs after class ends, we'll end up doing some sort of free writing from time to time because, like you said, it is also a great stress reliever. :)

  5. If you think you might enjoy acting now is the time. Take a class at Baruch or audition for the plays or the student films. After school the opportunities will be harder to get. That being said it is a trough career choice, but it is a wonderful way to express yourself. When it comes to blogging i am torn. I agree it is a fun positive homework assignment that has a lot of value not to mention the 20% of the Grade. Yet, I feel that it was not a good studying tool, and found it difficult to analyze the course material. The friendship part is nice.
